Coming back around again

It feels like every time I write here, other than during my 30 day challenge, I’m saying “hello, it’s been awhile.” I’m also consistently saying that’s going to change. But I think this time I mean it. Habit and consistency are things that I’m striving for, and writing here, no matter how hectic and busy life may be, needs to be one of those habits.

Marathon training for the Sunburst Marathon started Monday (2/15). I’ve been doing a lot of different cross training activities, and it feels good to get back to a running schedule. Things are definitely different this year. How and with whom I am training with be different. The days that I am able to run will be different. But running remains the same – my stress relief, my alone time – time that I can spend thinking about everything, or nothing. It keeps me sane. It keeps me going.

For this training cycle, I’m going to try the Women’s Running Marathon PR Schedule. It’s a lot of days of running – one day of rest, and I will probably add some more cross training/strength training on top of that because I like doing other activities and classes. I’ve really been loving the variance in the schedule I currently have been keeping. I’ve been doing strength, different cardio classes (TFW Hurricanes, and Zone Training), and yoga. Doing varied activity just adds so much more enjoyment to my training life, that I don’t think I’ll give it up, even with marathon training.

The hardest thing is going to be doing it all. Working 40+ hour weeks, finding time during the day to run or go to a class (I am not a morning person, but maybe I need to learn how to be one), and balancing home life.

This past Sunday, Valentine’s Day, I decided to just stay home. It was the first day in a long time that I had spent the majority of the day at home. I am not a sitting still kind of person. I usually need to be doing something. I think that this occasionally leads to exhaustion and mental burnout – so needless to say, I’m working on it. The day spent at home was very nice – staying home and just being is one aspect of life that I often push aside for other things. I definitely learned this past Sunday that there is value in being home for a whole day.

So I’m working on balance, but I’m working on being out and doing the things that I enjoy – running, and running with other people, writing, playing games with others, just enjoying life.

I’ve done a lot over the past few weeks I’ve been away from this blog, and I’d like to share those things in photos.

So here you go, and I promise not to be so neglectful in the future (I know, prove it, right?).


Journaling with a cat can be challenging.


A cool outfit, and fun during the Frostbite Marathon Relay

Declaring it with friends at Cross Fit Soaring Ledge for DID!


Work. But the happy geeky picture that is my background makes me smile.


Monday runs (also knows as therapy sessions) with this beautiful person in downtown Holland.


I got the coolest card from Jonah, my IRun4 buddy. He and his Mom were so sweet to think of me, plus…who doesn’t love a card about Chocolate Day.